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Coach 360

Jun 29, 2020

We have an influence on our student-athletes' lives. Our words to them matter, so we have to be careful what we say to these young people. They are dealing with middle and high school, the two places where everyone's self-identity is tested over and over again. Our athletes will become what they think they are, so...

Jun 26, 2020

There are a lot of reasons for finishing strong, such as showing your integrity by finishing through instead of at the line and pushing yourself to your limits so you can reach your goals. But perhaps one of the most important reasons to finish strong is this: Your finish line today will be your starting line tomorrow....

Jun 24, 2020

Most young people look at respect as something you earn, not something that is given to you. But this thinking is completely backward. We should respect others because of who WE are, not who they are. Respect is at the core of creating a team and school culture where it's not only okay, but expected...

Jun 22, 2020

Ownership is one of the keys to making sure our athletes stay in the game. In other words, if we want to keep them from quitting, and if we want them to play to their highest level, we've got to help them feel that they have a stake in our athletic program. When our athletes have ownership, they have passion, and with...

Jun 19, 2020

Your health limits how far you can go in life. When you're in poor health, it limits what you can do and the impact that you can have on others. That's not to say that illness or obesity will always prevent people from reaching their dreams or influencing their community. But it is true that the healthier you are,...