Nov 25, 2019
Trust has to be built before you can make any major changes after you transition to a new-to-you athletics program. See, the program is new to you, but it’s already been established by others. If you try to bring in a wrecking ball on day one, it’s going to ruffle feathers. Sometimes feather-ruffling is necessary,...
Nov 21, 2019
How you weekend has a direct impact on how you perform during the week. It’s not separate from the rest of the week or from your personal identity. When you weekend poorly (i.e. wasting time, doing things you shouldn’t), it’s a symptom of a deeper issue with the balance in your life.
Leaders rise above the TGIF...
Nov 18, 2019
According to Coach Eric de los Santos of Irving High, athletes want discipline because it equals freedom. The team at 2 Words definitely agrees. Coaches expect things from their athletes that the kids might not expect of themselves, and discipline is the only way to make it a reality. Discipline gives us the space to...
Nov 14, 2019
Lao Tzu, Oprah Winfrey, and Charles Darwin all have something in common: They get the importance of time management. Time is a precious, finite resource. Each minute that passes can’t be retrieved, and how we spend our time is a direct reflection of what our priorities are. In this episode, Mackey dissects three...
Nov 11, 2019
If you want your athletes to invest their time, energy, and effort in your program, you have to invest in your athletes. Continuously building relationships with your student-athletes allows you to speak to them on a deeper level than pep talks and plays.
In this episode, Coach Chance Westmoreland of Argyle High...